INNOTOURCLUST – Workshop for Local Companies, Termoli – Martur Resort 27.02.2020

The 27th of February, in the framework of INNOTOURCLUST project, AAST Termoli organized a workshop for local companies operating in the tourism sector. The event was aimed to present the service charter, a comprehensive document that lists all the needed and optional requirements to join the project international Cluster. Around 30 local company representatives, (travel agencies, hotels, agritourism, craft shops, skipper companies etc), attended the workshop and made different questions about the opportunities that the cluster can bring to their businesses.
The workshop begun with the intervention of AAST commissioner, Remo di Giandomenico, who welcomed the audience, introduced the topic and the speakers. Then, Mario Ialenti, ETC coordinator from Molise region gave his speech about the status of territorial cooperation in Molise and the different ongoing projects. Afterwards Mauro Calise, project manager from Eurelations GEIE, presented the state of play of the project and the next planned activities.
Then, Professor Pierfelice Rosato, from university of Salento, introduced the service charter in detail, explaining the rationale behind it, the steps to write different document versions, and the final opportunities it can bring to the territories. Finally, Marco Zollo, general secretary from Confartigianato Molise, illustrated the clusters already active in Molise and the advantages they have already brought to businesses and territories.
The audience was very attentive during the presentations and, during the last session, made different questions to the speakers, who tried to clarify their doubts. In the end many of them filled in the subscription forms and took contacts with speakers and project staff for further informal meetings.
Finally, a social lunch has been served to the participants who left the Martur Resort around 3.30 pm.