April 2021 sees the start of the INNOTOURCLUST training program to promote economic growth in the Italian, Albanian and Montenegrin region through tourism innovation. The program aims to support local enterprises in better facing the new challenges confronting the tourism industry and to improve competitiveness and cooperation of Italian, Albanian and Montenegrin SMEs through the creation of innovative cross-border tourism products and through promoting smart, inclusive and sustainable development.
The training program is organized by the lead partner Camera di Commercio Industria Agricoltura Artigianato, Lecce (IT), with the technical and scientific support of ISNART (The Italian – National Institute of Tourism Research). The seminars will be delivered, in Italian, by Professor Pierfelice Rosato from University of Bari, an economic development and business management expert and the participating companies will have the opportunity to attend 5 online seminars and 2 online laboratory workshops, further complemented by online training material, produced for the training program and made available through the INNOTOURCLUST platform.
The program starts with the first online seminar on the 20th of April 20201 covering the topic of sustainability, one of the main pillars of the INNOTOURCLUST project. Throughout the following three weeks, the professor will unpack the topics of post-covid tourism, digital transformation, cross-border collaboration, and foreign market opportunities. The seminars will be broken down as follows:
- April 20, 2021 – 15.30 CET: From sustainable tourism to sustainability in the tourism industry
- April 23, 2021 – 15.30 CET: Post-Covid tourism: strategies to restart the industry
- April 30, 2021 – 15.30 CET: The challenges of digital transformation for tourism companies
- May 4, 2021 – 15.30 CET: How tourism businesses can gain competitiveness through collaboration networks and models
- May 7, 2021 – 15.30 CET: Foreign market opportunities for tourism companies in Puglia Region
The two online laboratory workshops will be scheduled following the running of the seminars.
The training program, held entirely in Italian, is free to attend for tourism companies and their employees.